The County Council serves as the elected representative body of the County Greens. The County
Council's mission is to contribute to the ongoing empowerment of the members of the County Greens
so that they may continue their work. The County Council serves to promote the ten key values in all
its actions and statements.
The County Council fills the role served by the County Central Committees pursuant to Division
7 of the California Elections Code.
-Christopher Carlson, 2017
The Green Party of Sacramento County Exists
to HONOR a child’s right to explore our vibrant ecosystems, including, the American and Sacramento Rivers, delta, wetlands and creeks
to HONOR an individual’s right to rest, camp, and freely occupy public space, including unrestricted use of sanitary facilities
to DISARM and redirect law enforcement personnel, that they may serve the needs of the people over the interests of private entities, fighting the abuse of authority
to HONOR the existence of other species, free of human harm and neglect
to HONOR the rare geography of our Central Valley through sustainable agriculture, organic community gardens and conservation efforts
to HONOR an individual’s right to free and universal healthcare
by education, demonstration, and collaboration
in a spirit of nonviolence and kinship to present and future generations
Council Members